
My name is Roman, I am a programmer.

I founded School++ and KOWO in order to develop the IT-community and volunteering culture in Kropyvnytskyi.

Roman Shmelev

My friends and I have been teaching programming and providing a platform for the city's social initiatives for 5 years. For free.

We create a fairy tale, showing people how to help others, without thinking of profit.

There is no magic behind the curtain - School++ and KOWO exist only due to people who take special care of these projects. Also, my own donation fills part of the budget (it's tough).

(average monthly flow of funds of School++ and KOWO)

This page exists for the sake of improving the current situation — School++ and KOWO need stability and growth. This will be possible only with the help of small monthly contributions done by a large number of people.

Our current financial goal is to become self-sufficient. That would imply that we don't have to worry about covering our base expenses every month.

(average monthly expenses of School++ and KOWO)

Once we get to the desired level of self-sufficiency, we will be able to devote our time and more soul to the development of SHPP and KOWO, improvement of the educational processes, implementation of more social projects in our city, instead of constant money search.

If you need more information about School++, KOWO, or our work please contact me.