School++ debt for 2024

School++ debt for 2024 

5 of Mar. 24 of Apr.

Hello, friends!
School++ has been providing free education for 10 years, sustained by donations from grateful graduates. This financial model is a challenge, but we chose it because we believe in the importance of accessible education for everyone.
At the end of 2024, we found ourselves with a deficit of 100,000 UAH (full report). To continue our mission — teaching IT and growing our community in 2025 — we need your help! 🙏
For this fundraising campaign, we’re offering something special: for a significant donation, we’ll gift you a pair of our signature School++ socks! 🥰
This way, you’re not only supporting us but also receiving a token of our love and gratitude.
How to get your gift socks 🧦:

  1. Make a donation of over 333 UAH to Ш++
  2. Fill out this form
  3. Wait for a call or message within 2 business days

For a larger donation, you can receive a proportionally larger number of pairs of socks (for example, from 666 UAH – 2 pairs, from 999 UAH – 3 pairs, etc.).
Thank you for being with us!
Yours, Ш++ ���*

510 USD20%